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SEACA & Chinatown Teen-Council Coastal Transit to Trails: Laying Low at Humaliwo Lagoon



Corner of Chinatown Branch Library

Looking to connect with our California coast, then join Community Nature Connection for a Transit to Trails program from the Chinatown Branch Library to Malibu Lagoon State Beach on Friday, April 7 2023 from 8:30am-5:10pm !

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SEACA & Chinatown Teen-Council Coastal Transit to Trails: Laying Low at Humaliwo Lagoon
SEACA & Chinatown Teen-Council Coastal Transit to Trails: Laying Low at Humaliwo Lagoon

Time & Location

2023年4月07日 08:30 – 17:10

Corner of Chinatown Branch Library, 639 N Hill St, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA


About the Event

To better prepare for our trip, we are asking participants to take 5 mins to read the following information.*

Meet up location: Corner of Ord St. & N. Hill St. near Chinatown Branch Library at 8:30am

Upon arrival, CNC and SEACA staff will check-in folks and have guardians sign waivers. Once everyone is gathered, we will dive into an ice breaker. We will then board our bus and make our way to Malibu Lagoon State Beach, which will take about 1.5 hours (traffic pending). The bus will drop us off at the Malibu Lagoon State Beach, during our walk to the site, we ask folks to be alert and stay close to the group because we will be strolling through a populated area. 

Once we get to Malibu Lagoon, Bree Salazar, CNC Transit to Trail Lead Naturalist will welcome us to the site: its history and importance—why Malibu Lagoon is an vital place for humans, plants, and animals—and lead us into an ice breaker to practice keen observation with a fun Loteria game, where Program Coordinator Zee Zetino, will distribute loteria cards and binoculars. Our stroll along Malibu Lagoon will consist of a concrete and dirt path, and eventually stepping off a wood plank to get on the sand. If low tides allow, we might be able to explore the tide pools of Malibu Lagoon State Beach. Please note rocks in the tidepool area will be slippery, so in order to have a joyful experience, we recommend bringing shoes that are comfortable and okay to get wet. We will then proceed with lunch. After lunch, we will have free time to either continue tidepool observations, relax on the beach, or have a bestie take pictures of you. At around 2:20pm we will clean up and gather all of our belongings and wrap up to head back to the entrance of Malibu to board our bus and head back home.

We expect Malibu Lagoon to be partly sun through high clouds with a high 70° and low temperatures at 47° as the day gets cooler (subject to change), so please layer up with thin layers that can easily be added or removed (think of layers like an onion)! We will spend 8:30am-5:10pm (approximately 9 hours) together so make sure to bring a nice filling lunch, enough water, a backpack to carry your belongings, a blanket/towel to sit on, and curiosity for the ocean. Please make sure to arrive on the corner of Chinatown Branch Library on time (5-10 mins early) because the bus will not be able to wait and we need to follow our schedule accordingly.

Reminders: We will be strolling to Malibu Lagoon State Beach after being dropped off, so make sure to wear comfortable shoes. If the tide pools are low, keep in mind that your shoes might get wet and sandy. We are expecting the day to be sunny through high clouds so bring proper attire and/or products to protect your skin from the sun. Although we are visiting the beach, CNC staff will not take responsibility for anyone swimming in the water. There will be a lifeguard on duty, so you can access the water/swim at your own discretion and comfortability, preferable up to your ankles. We suggest only getting your feet wet if you feel comfortable. Be prepared to be/walk around sand for most of our time at Malibu Lagoon State Beach.

If you need any access needs to make your trip as comfortable as possible or need to communicate anything to CNC staff to ensure a pleasurable experience in our Transit to Trails, please reach out to our Program Coordinator Zee Zetino, AND

Please familiarize yourself with the following: 

Covid Guidelines 

Wavier & Photo Release Form

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